Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Palin is a Boob

Palin is a boob, a useful idiot to distract us from the pitiful reality that the Washington power structure has created for us. Palin is Paris Hilton for the political chattering class, someone that makes everyone who sees her feel superior. There is not one among us as stupid as that, and not one among us that so brazenly would attempt to suggest her real lack of curiosity in the ways that world works as "down home", or more real than others. I don't know which is more annoying: Her parochial simplistic view of the way the world works, or her absolute insistence that those who don't agree are east coast twinks. F#$% her.

Plenty of blame to spread between the re pubs and the dems on this meltdown in the finance world. The repubs have been deregulating Wall Street for two decades. the dems just had their little nest egg with Fannie and Freddy. Both were looking for campaign grease. The culture of money is the real culprit, and neither McCain or Obama will tell you the real truth about that. Both will raise more than $100 million and a lot of that will come from will connected slobs looking to buy the trough at which they feed and which sucks the life from the rest of us. Both parties have bee n completely dishonored. For the first time in my life, I am really disgusted with the lot of them, and I really don't see one party as more pure (even with with qualifications) than the other.

If either of the candidates really told the truth and made indications they were really willing to do something about the obscene culture of money, I might vote for them. Even Mc Cain, even with Palin. Whatever McCain and Obama have said up until now is just platitudes, protecting the taxpayer, hitting the CEO's bla, bla, bla... Shut up already. I was born at night, but not last night and I really do believe that the parties that both of you both represent are completely corrupted by money. I understand that Obama must point to the Repubs efforts to to deregulate the financial industry, and that McCain and his cronies will point to=2 0Freddy and Fannie.

When one of them says, look Washington looked the other way because we wanted the campaign cash, then I will accept that there is seriousness. Not to worry, there is NO chance of the truth dripping from the lips of either of them. The system is completely corrupt