It becomes easy to blame politicians in DC, but the GOP voting base largely does not want compromise. This is maybe one in three voters, hard core conservatives, inflamed by the radio right. A majority of them believe the President is a Muslim. In a recent focus group of GOP voters, ten of ten agreed with Carson that a person of Islamic faith should not even be considered as President. These folks are second amendment absolutists, true believers in arming kindergarten teachers and Baptist preachers in the sanctuary of their churches. They want smaller government, protesting loudly during the debate over ACA that government needed to stay out of their Medicare.
But this is the problem. There's a great speech in Spike Lee's Malcolm X movie. Apparently Malcolm never said the words. Lee cribbed them from another speech:
"Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had!
Ya been took!
Ya been hoodwinked!
Led astray!
Run amok!
This is what He does...."
Yes, ya been hoodwinked.
You're views are not predominate any longer. The governing coalition is
younger, mixed race, mixed gender, and yes, even mixed sexual orientation.
You own lots of guns,
more and more each year. Studies show, however, that while the number of guns
is increasing, the number of gun owners is declining.
Climate science is just
that. Science. I'm sorry, and I feel bad to have to tell you this, but the
politicians waving snowballs on the floor of the senate, telling you this is
all a conspiracy, are--you may want to sit down-- on the payroll of big oil!
Countries around the world, including China are abandoning coal, and pursuing
green energy. The President is not having a war with coal, and the foot
dragging of the GOP has actually slowed progress that every other advanced
country has already made, especially in the last 20 years. When we talk about
America's greatness, most of us think of advancements in medicine and science,
space travel, interstate travel, economic equality and access. Now the narrow
coalition of Tea Party members of congress has managed to block even basic
infrastructure bills. How is this possible?
Ya been bamboozled. There
is no broad consensus to move against social programs, and no electoral path to
reduce such programs. The ACA might still be overturned or weakened, but this
won't happen while Obama is president. More than 16 million have ask access to
medical insurance because of the ACA. They GOP can't tell you the truth so I
will. They're all in with symbolic votes, but real repeal is increasingly out
of political realm of reality.
Adjustments need to be
made to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but these programs are going
to be in place for decades. Your leaders keep grandstanding on food stamps but
the real money is in defense, entitlements, and tax policies for corporations
and the wealthy. Paul Ryan has taken his shots at Medicaid, a program which
provides care mostly to poor people, but even his very detailed budgets have
left Social Security and Medicare largely intact. Unable to address truths
about the dimension of entitlement programs, Republican leaders work to further
impoverish the poor and call it serious policy.
Me, I'm a single payer
guy, but I know the political climate is not in place for the heavy lift that
would require. It's call reality.
Ya been led astray, especially,
most especially, those of you who are of moderate or limited means. Citizens
United has unleashed a torrent of campaign cash. A lot of that is going to
slick PR campaigns designed to convince you that there is some sort of silent,
let's be honest, mostly white majority, if we all just showed up in the polls
we could get some stuff done. I feel for you. Your leaders have been edging you
out to the cliffs of oblivion since Reagan. They lied to you and didn't know
how, and actually don't know how, to tell you.
Ya been run amok. You're
not losing national elections because your party is not radical right enough.
That calculation assumes an electorate made up of far more old, white,
straight, and male voters claiming European ancestry than will ever exist
again. The only place you have political numbers is state houses which define
Congressional District lines, and by the gerrymandering that grows from that,
the House of Representatives. A filibuster proof Senate is increasingly
unlikely, and good luck in the Presidential election with a platform which
attacks gay marriage, tries overturning the ACA, and proposes sending 11
million undocumented workers back to where they came from.
Meanwhile, know this.
While we've been fighting over this bullsh** going all the way back to the
Reagan years, the one constant, the only constant really has been the ongoing
concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people. The pure
economic impact of the tax plans of every GOP candidate who has announced one
would continue and accelerate that pattern. The billionaires funding these
campaigns do not give a f*** about your social issues. They want tax breaks for
themselves and a lax regulatory environment for their businesses. Reagan ran on
an anti-abortion platform, passed the first large trickle down tax package,
which really benefited his rich friends, and didn't show up at the political
events organized to attack Roe.
The money people don't
give a f*** about the deficits either. Reagan and Bush II both exploded the
deficits, Bush I made limited progress, but the GOP base slaughtered him for
raising taxes. Clinton and Obama both made dramatic reductions in deficits, but
the Koch brothers are aligning $900 billion in the cause of overturning the
policies that led to that progress.
The problem is not only
the Republican leaders in congress. They've lied to their voters though, so
it's hard to feel bad for them. Many Republican voters have also lied to
themselves. They've been betting for 40 years that an adhoc coalition with
billionaires would both make them rich and overturn Roe. Billions have been
spent in advertising convincing them of that.
Fear has been a great
motivator. America's sickness on race, our utter dishonesty about it, even in
liberal circles, has been absolutely debilitating. We've gone from Nixon's
closeted bigotry, and cynical Southern strategy, to a war on crime that has
devastated communities of color, to Reagan's Philadelphia, Mississippi campaign
kickoff and vilification of welfare cheats. Then Willie Horton. Then the SCOTUS
decision eviscerating the Voting Rights Act, and voter ID laws specifically
spoken of as discouraging turnout among African Americans. Most recently we get
self-deportation, then rapists, drug dealers and "illegals" with
calves like cantaloupes, and then send them all back.
As the drama in DC
unfolds, what is left for us? We take stock. We watch. Those so inclined say a
prayer. Even as we hope for leadership, disillusionment sets in. America is not
willing to face real truths.
Perhaps all we can do is
whatever uplift each of us can do in our daily lives. Bide our time. Wait for
sunlight and enlightenment. My sister has been working in her community this
week to help those devastated by historic floods, likely exacerbated by global
warming. My wife and I made a small contribution to that effort this week. What
“Few will have the
greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small
portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief
that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts
to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth
a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers
of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the
mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
― Robert F. Kennedy