Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Herman Cain is Brilliant!

Just check this copyrighted article from the North Star Writers Group dated Sept-01, 2008 in which in his own words Cain presents his prescient views on the state of the economy. This was written two weeks before the bankruptcy of Lehman and the whole spiral of AIG, Freddy & Fannie, TARP, etc.

Herman Cain:
“Once again, when Democrats don’t like the facts, they just ignore them with the help of the mainstream media.

“On August 26, Investor’s Business Daily reported data from the Internal Revenue Service showing that the average U.S. income had increased every year for five straight years through 2006...

“The following day, Sen. Joe Biden declared in his vice-presidential acceptance speech that ‘John McCain thinks that during the Bush years we’ve made great progress economically, I think it’s been abysmal!’ Great progress or abysmal, you make the call…

“... The supposed failure of Bush’s economic policies has been a constant theme of the Democrats since the 2006 elections, when the Democrats regained control of the House and Senate by convincing enough of the voters that the economic sky was falling, and that the war in Iraq could not be won. Based on all of their convention speeches, they plan to continue those themes right through Election Day on November 4.

“They are counting on a gullible and uninformed electorate to win the White House and a larger majority in Congress.”
Seven weeks later on Oct-20,2008, Cain wrote a second article for the Northstar Writer’s Group. This article, also copyrighted by Cain, offered full throated support for the creation of the TARP program enacted Oct-08, 2008 and signed into law by Bush. This legislation the soul of the US government’s efforts to protect those too big to fail while letting thousands lose their homes and millions fall into unemployment and poverty, is at the heart of WHAT OWS anger is about. TARP was first installment of $300 billion in what would become a multi trillion aid effort. The programs, too timid in their execution and too top heavy in their formulation, did save US & world from economic catastrophe, primarily be propping up big banks, Wall Street trading firms, insurance giants, and the auto companies, but left millions more in dire financial straits. The inequitable distribution of those monies along with the certain knowledge that tax payer monies used to bail out these firms is now being used to lobby to weaken regulations to prevent this sort of calamity again is what OWS all about.

Cain both suggested that the potential for catastrophe was small, and then weeks later came out in favor of the TARP bailout funds. The Tea Party types, initially outraged by the bail outs, now hold Cain as their champion. The level to which we are ill informed even with the multitude of information and media outlets available to us is truly stunning. And the speed at which Tea Party has been coopted by big biz interests and the conservative repub machine is mind boggling.
Herman Cain:

“Earth to taxpayers! Owning stocks in banks is not nationalization of the banking industry. It’s trying to solve a problem.
“The unprecedented financial crisis has caused the Treasury of the United States to take unprecedented measures to help solve the problem of frozen credit and cash flow for U.S. businesses.

“Most of us had dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up as children. Some of us wanted to grow up and become a fireman, a policeman, a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, an actor, an engineer, a writer, a dancer, a chef or any number of other professions.
“But some of us wanted to own a bank because that’s where the money is!

“Wake up people! Owning a part of the major banks in America is not a bad thing. We could make a profit while solving a problem.
“But the mainstream media and the free market purists want you to believe that this is the end of capitalism as we know it. It is not for several reasons that they have conveniently not explained.”

I would love to see Cain make this speech again. Perhaps at tonight’s debate.
Post Script: Cain did defend his posture on TARP. Socialism is only really bad and can only really be called that when the government uses its resources to help the poor. TARP was crisis management. That's a whole different deal!

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