Assassinated? I am really disappointed to see so many almost
dancing on this guy’s grave, but this is f***ing nuts. Good luck with that.
Platform shaping up nicely. Dems had Breitbart assassinated. Obama is not an
American. That birther thing is working for ya, keep it up. Contraception
should be outlawed and those women using it, approx 90% of all women in child
bearing age, are sluts, whores, or prostitutes. Rush would “pay” to see the femi-nazis on-line
videos. Yawzah! Abortion should be criminalized. Separation of church and state
turns my stomach. Small government is for Big Business. Inter-vaginal scopes are not intrusive and are
a great and totally reasonable example of government staying out of people’s
lives. College is for the elite, like Santorum with two advanced degrees, and
those parents who would aspire to that for their kids are snobs. America should deport 12 million undocumented workers.
The tax code has not gone far enough in protecting the extreme wealth of the
few and more tax breaks are required for the job creators . The meager record-low
job growth in the face of Bush’s stunning top heavy tax breaks were an anomaly.
Time to double down, even if it means raising taxes on the middle class. Those
that disagree are Socialists waging class war.
Crony capitalism does not include giving $5 billion in tax breaks to oil
companies, who will no doubt record another round of record profits this quarter.
College costs will go up in the near term for millions, but that’s Ok in the
long run the free market will reign in costs. 50 Million go with no health
insurance, let the free market work there too, and that problem will magically
go away. 20 million have been foreclosed. The government should stand back and
let another 20 million enter foreclosure so we can just gosh-darn-it fix the
housing market.
Global warming is a sham, dreamed up by liberal socialists
to stop any industrial progress. The only answer to Iran is further military
adventurism. That worked so well in Iraq. Congress has not gone far enough in blockading
any progress on any legislation this last term. Republicans should announce
they will go further if elected in bringing Washington “business as usual” to a
complete and grinding halt. Minorities, immigrants, gays, inner city kids, and
those dependent on food stamps are the cause for everything wrong in America. The
answer to every problem of the poor is to reduce or eliminate the social safety
net. If you want to grow jobs let the already absurdly rich upper crust have
free reign over every aspect of the economy. Eliminate the EPA.
Unregulated gamblers on Wall Street had nothing to do with
the calamity and the real problem was too much regulation, not that when left
to their own after the repeal of Glass Steagull (under Clinton) the f***ers ran
amok in a deregulated Bush era environment. The tangled web of influence between
Fannie and Freddy, Wall Street, and highly compensated history professors like Newt
had nothing to do with their calamitous
failure. It’s all the democrats fault for pushing for more home loans for the
poor and those on the fringe. Bankers chasing an ever smaller pool of qualified
lenders in an endless chase for fees and exotic de-regulated investment
vehicles, all the while ignoring the warning signs that the risks were becoming
untenable, had nothing to do with the housing
crisis. And finally, unregulated cash is the same as speech. It is good and healthy
for the country to allow a couple dozen billionaires to completely control the
political dialogue.
Post Script:
Post Script:
Well, you know this piece is somewhat tongue in cheek, but I do think that there is a dangerous amount of pure hatred on both sides. Also saw the "Go to Hell" Obama ad in DC. When I see some of this bile being directed at the now dead Breithbart, I wonder how close some of those on the extreme right, amped up by the rhetoric spewing from almost very leaders mouth, inspires some yahoo to do something really hatelful and really desperate. There are pleny of policy issues to battle, this personal hatred, including that now coming from the left vis a vis Breitbart's death does not raise our dialogue. It muddies us all. An atmosphere of hate serves no one. I mean to both defame those who speak with tongues that only serve corporate masters, and to call the dialogue back to issues and away from hate.
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