Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How the Other 1% Lives.

I was first alerted to this By B Sanders Tweet.

Obama pushing hard for Buffet rule for taxpayers. Here we see 26 Fortune 500 Companies with no accumulated taxes paid for 2008-2009-2010 & 2011 combined!

I think we can see why lobbying expense, according to OpenSecrets.org, has gone from $1.4 Billion with a B in 1998 to $3.31 Billion on 2011, and political donations have gone from $1.8 billion in 98 to $3.6 billion in 2010. 
The tax burden of these Fortune 500 companies are directly linked to the business investments these and other firms make on lobbyists and political campaign contributions. These companies were refunded monies from the US Treasury and had net negative tax bills for the combined four years since 2008.

For those that suggest that much of the Occupy movement is just sour grapes over losses in the political arena here is exhibit A as to the total fallacy of that argument. For those that argue that civil disobedience is a unlawful act and suggest that all that energy ought to be pushed into the political arena, here is the gaping hole in that posture.
The arguments for fairer taxes, or better environmental laws, affordable and decent health care were not lost in the political arena they were swamped over like a wave across the bow of a small sailing dingy, by a flood of excessive and increasingly deregulated and opaque campaign contributions. Most of this giving was before Citizen’s United which we will see in full flower this fall. There can be no doubt that this elections this fall will be the most costly in American history, with very few of the donors of the actual money raised known to the public, and individual billionaires contributing tens of millions to a totally skewed and hopelessly corrupt game.  

It is incredibly important to keep in mind that again according to Open Secrets, the dems have outraised the Repubs since 2004. 
The American political system is awash with the corrupt influence of deep pocketed donors. As Rachel Maddow said on Bill Maher's show some weeks ago, the reason nothing gets done in Washington is not exclusively or even primarily because the dems and repubs can’t get along. The reason nothing gets done is that wherever and whenever something is proposed there is always an entrenched interest with substantial and available cash there to oppose it.

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