Monday, August 6, 2012

Oak Creek, Wisconsin

The President should say we cannot legislate insanity out of existence, but we can legislate the amount of guns in circulation (about 250 million). He should say he is going to try to move legislation that closes gun show loopholes. He should acknowledge the power of NRA and note the specific cases where they have stood against even moderate reforms. He should note that many cases that the weaponry in circulation is beyond any practical use for sport or protection, and call the lack of legislation what it is: A National Security threat that must be addressed. Americans need neither armor piercing bullets nor automatic weapons to hunt their deer or protect their homes. He should point out the dangerous effects of weak state laws which allow multiple straw purchases which feed gun violence. States with weak law as allow purchases of dozens of guns which then show up on the streets of in places like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. These cities have strong laws, but still suffer the effects of limited nationwide coordinated legislation. AP reports that “Most guns recovered from New York crimes last year (2011) originated in states with fewer legal restrictions, though the largest single source is still New York, where nearly 1,600 were first purchased. The report by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced 8,793 guns from New York crimes or investigations. They include 407 guns originally bought in Virginia, 368 in Pennsylvania, 349 in North Carolina, 328 in South Carolina, 341 in Florida and 332 in Georgia.” Finally he should say these moderate steps will not eliminate extreme gun violence but that he is committed to doing what he can personally do to limit these incidents in the future. He should acknowledge the political cost, but stand up on principle.

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