I rage at the senseless brutality of it. That America has
tolerated similar incidents at movie theaters, churches and shopping malls in
just the past twelve months, and really for decades, with no legitimate
movement towards action only deepens the outrage.
I rage at the White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, who
tells America that there is a time to discuss gun control, but “Today is not
the day.” There is NEVER a good time, not after Columbine (1999, 13 dead, 21
injured), not after Virginia Tech (2007, 32 dead, 17 wounded) not after Tucson (2011, 5 dead, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords
shot) , not after the Aurora massacre (July-2012, 12 dead, 58 wounded), not
after the shooting at the Oak Creek Sikh Temple (Aug-2012, 6 dead, four
wounded) and not after a summer in Chicago which saw an orgy of gun violence and
human destruction.
We can only hope God holds a special place in a burning
caldron in hell for those that who suggested with near pornographic obsession
that if only some of those in the theatre in Aurora, or the temple in Oak Creek,
or the school in Newtown had been armed, there would be less carnage. The
criminally committed enthusiasts who spout such bile do not see the problem as
300 million guns, and a shrinking but ever more gun crazy, paranoid segment of
the population. To them the solution is 400 million guns, make that 500 million(!),
and an increasingly ramped up paranoia, overlaid with a more resolute hatred of our
neighbor. Let the friggin’ bishop, the doctor, and the teacher get concealed-carry
permits and the problem is solved for these prophets of destruction.
In the name of all of those who have been lost, including as
President Obama so eloquently stated those “on street corners in Chicago”, I
rage at this President who has completely capitulated to the not 40 million, but
four million member NRA. The President has been a coward on Gun Safety and has
neither attempted to set the NRA record of distortion and malevolence straight nor
taken practical steps to stop the violence which has taken more American
lives in 2012 than were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan and on 9-11 combined.
The 26 Democratic House candidates, and the sole Senate
Democratic candidate, Joe Manchin, who was elected to the Senate in W-VA, who accepted
NRA money are a HUGE part of the problem and represent just part of the corruption
in our political soul which wastes so many lives. They do not carry the gun,
but they make it possible for madmen, criminals, and terrorists to gain easy
access so they may do so. The money these Democrats accept is the reason there
are 300 million guns in America, campaign funds provided by people that actively feed America’s
paranoia and the protracted bloodshed which
we now endure.
This is not bipartisan money, or even Republican money. It
is hard right conservative money and it is in league with the most regressive, reactionary elements of our body politic. $600,000 of the money spent in
this election cycle by the NRA was donated by Karl Rove’s unregulated Super PAC,
Crossroads GPS.
In the 2012 cycle, 90% of direct candidate funding from the
NRA went to Republican candidates for the house and the Senate, and 95% of Super
PAC funding went to Republicans. In total the NRA contributed about $1.6 million,
and of that amount only about $115,000 went to Democrats. Among other
candidates the NRA supported Richard Mourdock, who infamously suggested that
rape was both “horrible” and something “God intended to happen”. This is the
company kept by those on the right, as well as Democrats who take blood money
from the NRA and its corporate masters, the gun manufacturers who sell $5 billion
in weapons in the US each year.
The NRA spent $40 Million on issue ads which claimed erroneously
that the President:
Planned to
ban use of firearms for home defense
Ban possession and manufacture of handguns
Close 90 percent of gun shops
Ban hunting ammunition
It is specifically these scurrilous and dishonest campaigns
which prevent real action even in those cases where most Americans agree. For example, the five gun safety issues below where even the majority of polled NRA members agree:
Requiring criminal background checks on gun
owners and gun shop employees
Prohibiting terrorist watch list members from
acquiring guns
that gun-owners tell the police when their gun is stolen
carry permits should only be restricted to individuals who have completed a
safety training course and are 21 and older
Concealed carry permits shouldn’t be given to
perpetrators of violent misdemeanors or individuals arrested for domestic
There are these that say these measures would not have saved
a one child in Newtown. Do they mean to suggest that no child died because these
measures were not in place, or that the children that did die had lives without
value? Do they mean to suggest that the particularly destructive hollow point
bullets used in Newtown ought to be permitted for the fun of sport? Or that the
right to own high powered automatic weapons with large capacity magazines supersedes,
as my sister a teacher said, the right for children to be safe in their
I rage at the mother who brought those high speed automatic
weapons into that home. For the fulfillment of her obsessive hobby, two dozen
children are dead. For as clearly as she is victim she is also villain in
this episode of violence.
In this crime something has been breached, but does anyone
really believe this will end anytime soon? It enrages me to consider how soon
it will be before we will all once again hover around our TV, and listen to the
endless litany. In 2014 or 2015 America will officially become a nation with
more guns than citizens. America and her politicians have neither the political
will nor the moral courage to address the obscene levels of weaponry in our midst.
Our elected officials stand powerless in the face of a few million gun zealots blind
to the suffering caused by their obsessive hobby. Why would it stop? America’s mental
health care system is clearly inadequate to the severity of need. What will
change in that regard to make the killing stop?
Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer tell us if God had not been
removed from our schools this would not have happened. What rationale would these
religious men use to explain the mass shooting at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin?
I wonder. Wrong God, I suppose. Whatever religion Huckabee and Fischer espouse
I condemn it for it appears neither humane or wise.
Victoria Jackson, stupid-as-a-f***ing-Rock-bubble-headed-comedienne,
tweets that “… the Connecticut killer [was] just doing what abortionists do
every day?” “When you forget the TEN COMMANDMENTS, people, THIS is what you get”
she says. As someone responded on twitter, is this what the parents get? I dare
you to stand in front of one of those Newtown parents and spill your sewage. Tell
that to the parents of Victoria Soto, the 27 year old teacher, who placed her
body between “her kids” and the killer and died so others could live. She is a repugnant
coward, pond scum, in a moral universe.
Instead of any urgency to address the obscenity of what
happened that is what we get. 30,000 will perish in 2012 because of gun
violence, including suicides, accidents and murder. Those of us who wretch in
the face of it have two choices: Hopelessness or abomination. I chose neither.
I rage at all of it, not certain of change, but without acceptance or tolerance
for the destruction in our community, or the stupidity, selfishness, or greed
that allows it to endure.
I hear the argument over and over: it's the criminals and crazy people who are the root of the problem not the law abidding automatic rifle toting patriot. In reality that is the arguement. We are awash in guns! Big guns! They are everywhere. They are so accessible that anybody, even the thugs and crazies, within a matter of days, can get the firepower to take down a whole school... or church ... or temple... or whatever next tragic target replays again in the media.
ReplyDeleteI share your anger and outrage! It's not so much at the mentally disturbed youth who perpetrated this horrible act, but for the extreme gun lobby that not only wants to preserve this maddess, but to ramp it up with even more ridiculuslly deadly firearms on the streets.
I pray that the big message of the 2012 election will wake us up on Gun Control. The foaming at the mouth extreme right wing does not represent this country! They need to be pushed to the sidelines where they belong