Friday, November 18, 2011

If Only Democracy Was Prettier...

It’s so disgusting when Americans exercise their constitutional rights. I wish these protestors would just go home, so the hard working well-meaning people on Wall Street could go back to doing what they do best.

Let’s see what exactly is that those Wall Street bankers do? I can’t really remember. Let me check the Wall Street Journal. Oh yeah, there it is. The Masters of the Universe recklessly gambled away about 40% of the 401K value for those Americans between the ages of 50 to 59. Well in fairness, the stock market has rebounded nicely, so about half of that has been recovered for some who did not need the money for food, medicine, housing, or college cost for their kids after they lost their jobs.

But Wall Street was also quite helpful in the job add housing markets. 11 million lazy slobs lost their mortgages and their homes in just the three years since 2008, 20 million more households have underwater mortgages. 20 million of our neighbors are unemployed or underemployed. I‘m sure the million so construction workers are much happier filling nail bins at Home Depot rather than earning the living wage they had before the Crash of 2008. It gets so cold outside. But you really can’t blame that on those lying thieves on Wall Street.

Even if you could blame the greedy slime on Wall Street, who literally looted the nations treasuryof trillions, criticizing those people, or regulating their efforts will only delay the recovery which we wall want. An unregulated market is what we really need. It worked so well up til now.

But those people between 50 and 59, ah, they’ll be ok. People like that still have 20 to 30 years to make that up. Yesterday it was reported that three quarters of all Americans expect to work in to their retirement with a full 25% expecting to work until they are 80. That last point is a little unfortunate because the average life expectancy is 78, so some of those people will be just a little disappointed. 78 is pretty close though, and at least they can die knowing that those rich f***s drained them of everything they had, so they got that going for them.

The WSJ reported that 60% of Americans do NOT support the OWS movement. Better we should all stay home and tsk, tsk about how all those dirty people are just making such an embarrassing mess of things. Let those Wall Street types get back to work.

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