Olympia Snow is out! Snow has moved right, from 48% to 64% Conservative Union grade in past two years. Wasn't enough for the right wing that now runs the party, and more would have boxed her out for mainstream Maine. Score another one for right wing reactionaries who allow no room for moderation. Score another one, for dems in the Senate-- beyond the Presidency the most crucial element of the 2012 campaign-- Dems if they put up decent candidate likely to carry the state. Bottom Line: No one wins. Story of American Politics these days.
Meanwhile gas prices could derail recovery. Obama already seeing slippage in the polls as a result. However, depending on how that plays out it appears that economy and jobs numbers are going to be better as we head into elections in the fall. Consumer confidence is up, and here again depending on gas, jobs numbers seemed poised for 100,000 to 200,000 per month growth through the election. Before you say it, Let me: It’s amazing what a trillion dollars in hot checks can do. The debt is a huge issue and Obama has done bupkus there.
There are reasons for dems to be optimistic about their chances, but giddy is just stupid at this stage. Santorum got what he asked for and deserved. I think he and Newt will split the vote in conservative south next week, and Romney may do better than people expect. Romney, who is worse in front of people than Bush (with the exception of the immediate post 9-11 period), can barely string two sentences together without exuding, “Look at me, I’m RICH!” Seems likely he'll face the President who killed yesterday in front of the UAW. It’s going to be ugly with both parties spending too much corrupt and available Citizen’s United Cash and it’s going to be close.
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