Regarding Katrina there is absolutely blame to be had all
round. I personally think Ray Nagin was criminally incompetent and ran a
criminally incompetent city. Nagin’s police murdered innocents in the chaotic
aftermath of Katrina, and in my view were personally involved in looting and
other lawlessness. Though he no doubt luxuriates in retirement or whatever
living off the ill-gotten gain of his public service life, in my view life in
prison would be too good for him. Governor Landrieu comes out a bit better, but
only barely. The Bush administration was a complete failure.
But we were not talking about local leadership I was
referring to the reprehensible job done by the Commander in Chief at the
National level and the ridiculous suggestion that Obama is the worst president in
the nation’s history. I follow Tony’s posts, sometimes with amusement and
sometimes with anger, but I get the point. This was just too juicy to pass up.
Anyone who does not see or will not admit the complete
failure of national leadership in New Orleans and the cost in human life that
resulted from that failure is just not being honest. Responsibility
for the flooding was laid squarely on the Army Corps in January 2008 by Judge
Stanwood Duval, US District Court. The Army Corp of Engineers f***ed up the
entire construction of the system of levees they built to protect the city. Apparently
levees should not be secured to sand berms. The Federal Government over many
administrations failed completely in their task to protect the City. How
ill-informed are you, Joe?
People died on the street for lack of water. Give Bush a
pass on this and give up any creditability. The Federal, State, and local
government didn’t do a thing to resolve the matter for three days until news
footage shocked the nation. How far lost in the recesses of your political
posturing is that simple fact lost? In my mind’s eye I can still conjure the
image of an elderly wheel-chair bound lady, slouched over the edge of a lawn
chair, dead. Is that one of the “ignorants” you refer to?
To place the blame on those who failed to leave and so
“created their own mess” is repugnant. I know you are so tuned into your
pre-arranged thought pattern that you will deny this so we’ll have to disagree,
but your argument sounds as if it comes from someone that would deny any cost
and deflect any blame so long as how it did not interfere with a carefully
crafted narrative on which a fragile house of ideological cards is built. Good
luck with that, but excuse me if your morality rings hollow.
Many of us on the left are stunned and confused with
absolute vitriol directed at this president. The near irrational hatred runs
from absurd conspiracy theories to birthers to zealots who are sure Obama is a
Muslim (despite the Drone programs in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and so forth
which have killed hundreds, some of them Muslim-American citizens without
charges or trial), to the Socialist-Commie- Sympathizer crowd (Right, Tony?),
to the death panels. Now with Santorum we hear attacks on Obama’s theology. Recognizing
that s** won’t play with anyone but the right wing nut brigade he backtracks into
a lie about environmental polices. Brilliant, just brilliant, and totally
unelectable. The litany has been relentless and to all but the true believers
on the extreme right, hysterical and to some measure silly.
So, liberals ask, “What has Obama done.” Well let’s see. He
bailed out the auto companies, made a huge investment, bought a ton of stock
and sort of out-right owned them for a while, but he saved over a million jobs.
A fair argument can be made that the government ought not to picks winners and
losers, and I for one believe the administration exaggerates when it claims it
has or will get all the money back. But to call those of us who favored the
government investment in saving a million jobs “Socialists” seem a bit extreme.
Fair enough, pretty sure Obama will live with the label rather than the loss of
American manufacturing jobs. I noticed though that Santorum’s manufacturing tax
policy also picks winners and losers, but I guess that’s something different
than Obama’s government engineering Socialism.
ObamaCare is of course another boogeyman to the right with Palin’s
rattling death panels and government take-over of healthcare. So seldom does
anyone on the right admit that the insurance companies already ration
healthcare, based on cost, that people
die as a result of their inability to pay. Those I guess aren’t death panels.
Private enterprise, free markets and all, guess we’ll have to call them
something else.
Of course villainizing Obama over the Healthcare plan makes
pleasing rhetoric to white-hot ears on the right, but in the end this was a huge
gift to the insurance industry. The requirement that everyone needs to buy
health care may not pass constitutional muster, but it can hardly be argued
that those who can afford it and choose not to own it are a burden and pass
their costs onto those that do buy insurance. Politicians have been grappling with
this for decades.
At 17% of GDP, the quality of healthcare and the number of
uninsured in America is a national disgrace. The suggestion that the government
should require everyone that with the resources to do so to buy insurance is has
been pushed before by Newt, The Heritage Foundation and of course Romney. That
was not Socialism apparently. Obama’s legislation apparently is. Ok, so maybe I
don’t see the opposition posture as being particularly credible on this.
TARP, the bailouts on Wall Street, and the $85 billion gift
to a corrupt and failing AIG and so forth was all initiated under Bush to the
tune of nearly a trillion, and then sustained by Obama. Wall Street got a big
pass. F***ers! No limits on bonuses, no clearly called for criminal
prosecutions, Dodd-Frank is a near joke. As of this writing hundreds of
regulations have yet to be written. The right acts like Obama has nationalized
Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and the other big banks. Bush, the Fed and
Treasury made each of these banks gigantic, by pairing them one by one with
weaker insanely leveraged investment banks and then investing $700 billion with
no strings in the hope that it would spur lending. It did not. That Obama has
done little to rein in or regulate these behemoths represents a failure on his
administrations part to regain some measure of control over the capital
markets. Bonuses are sky high.
Glass-Steagull remains in repeal and the beat goes on. If this is socialism
where do I sign? To many of us on the left including the Occupy Wall Street
crowd this looks like party time. For me, the limited actions on Wall Street
are more baffling in terms of the Socialist argument than almost anything else.
Christ, his rhetoric was hot, but the
actual fix was way too f***ing cool. Thanks to campaign cash, and tax payer
bought and paid for lobbyists Wall Street made out like the bandits they are. Congress,
buried under a $4 billion pile of cash, folded and Obama barely put up a fight.
Perversely, in what we are now told is Socialist America, Citibank and Chase rule
the world.
There was a time the Tea Party cared about this, but I guess
once it got coopted by big business and the Republican establishment elites,
not so much. Too bad, for a few minutes there both the active left and the
active right in the US were pretty pissed off at a round of corruption and Government
intercession on behalf of the rich and powerful not seen or so well understood for
80 years.
What changed? Power and wealth is concentrated in even fewer
hands. Thanks to Citizens United huge chucks of that wealth pour, with few
controls or regulation, into extreme and supercharged campaign expenditures, both
democratic and republican. It may take a decade but both parties will come to
regret the day that a handful of billionaires were allowed to control the
national dialogue in this way. A few dozen people have contributed nearly half
of the $100 million raised so far. Billions more will be raised in this
election cycle. This is not what democracy looks like. This is Potterville.
Progressives despised Bush because he did clearly
measureable bad things. On the flipside, as the country meanders through the
extreme charges of the current presidential field of Republican candidates what
most of us see as it regards the charges against Obama is insanity masked as
political dialogue. The sagging poll numbers of the Republicans at the National
level, along with the deep disregard for the extreme and elitist, bought and
paid for Congress , indicate that the right may eventually get their candidate,
but in the general that candidate may garner something just north of 45% which
will be disastrous for the GOP at all levels. We can only hope. Can you say so
long independents, especially suburban women? You boys are sinking and water to
your eyeballs you don’t even know it. Egged on by a wild-eyed conspiratorial
Santorum, Romney, trapped by his record of venal line crossing and far from
sensing the political breeze, does not adjust. Rather he doubles down as a
“severe” conservative. What, pray tell, is that?
But back to Bush…
Progressives despised Bush because he and his inner circle
of war criminals, Cheney & Rumsfeld,
entered into two wars, one of which through arrogant hubris wasted trillions of
dollars and thousands of lives. I was
angry and fearful like most Americans and thought Afghanistan was unavoidable.
Iraq was another matter. Generals who questioned the Iraqi strategy and warned
of the results we eventually saw were fired or transferred. The whole go-small
thing was a complete military disaster, and what America got, what the Iraqis got,
was chaos, failure, and lost human treasure, and that little pr***, Rumsfeld,
telling everyone who would listen that “Democracy is messy”. Meanwhile, Bush
appointed one civilian leader after another to oversee America’s rebuilding
effort. Each failed completely at their appointed job, topped off by Bremmer
who without doubt pushed the Sunnis into Civil War and created the real crisis
that engulfs Iraq even uo to today. I know after this lengthy piece no one
wants to get a history of Iraq, but Bush and his team fouled Iraq up at every
level, even after at certain junctures they had opportunities to step back and
reassess. Failure is not a strong enough word to convey the Shakespearean
majesty of their ineptitude. I could recommend half a dozen books, that tell
this sordid history, but those on the hysterical right can’t be bothered with anything
not endorsed by Rush, or Sean, or Mark Levin, or O’Reilly… Christ, the list
goes on and on. So many people, so little real information, but one thing we
can be sure of is this: The US military will not soon enter a war under such
poor circumstances.
I did not support the surge. I thought it would lead to more
senseless death. Militarily I was wrong. The surge, allowed the US to retain a
hold on a thread of dignity, but it pulled loose from a weeping chasm of
defeat. The world knows that the war itself was entered into under a dishonest
and rigged intelligence propaganda war that proved in every way to be dishonest.
That is no longer conjecture. Powell now calls his appearance at the UN one of
the biggest failures of his long career. Everyone knows. Only the Republican right
disputes the truth.
On the economy those on the right that project the entire
disaster on Obama with no acknowledgement at all of the deep crisis which hit
the Bush administration at the end of their jobless, tax cut and spending
binge, crisis mystify progressives.
The point is that progressives hold Bush deeply responsible
for the disasters for which he is directly responsible and for those things
that happened on his watch. This is not worry for what might be, but anger for
what was. Conservatives it seems make a boogeyman of every Obama action, and
project death panels and Armageddon for every result which is yet to be seen. I
respect those that raise Constitutional concerns about some of these policies,
but take them less than seriously when this same crowd argued and argues today that
the Patriot Act did not go far enough.
In absence of any rational critique of the president many of
us assume that there is deep strain of racism in the opposition to the
President. The images of Tea Party rallies filled with white folk carrying
either the Confederate flag or racist signs such as, “The Zoo has an African
(picture of a lion) and The White House has a Lyin’ African” do little to
dispel that notion. A simple google search produces dozens of additional images
with monkeys, tribesman, and so forth. Both sides use Nazism sloppily to make
their ill-defined case as if anything in our current dialogue could measure up
to genocide of six million. Santorum pulled that Nazi s*** just a couple days
ago. And before you say it, yes, Bush too was subjected to vile rhetoric too.
Protesters often referred to him as a fascist (and a Nazi), but being white
race never entered into it.
And here I do not even mean to suggest that Bush was the
worst president ever, though short of Hoover, I’m hard pressed to come up with
another choice. But to call Obama the worst, or as Tony did yesterday or day before
not really even the president. Well, sh**, you’re just wrong. Hold onto that
anger though. Get out to that Santorum rally. Let’s hope he nominates Herman
Cain for Vice President and announces he’ll name one of the Koch brothers as Secretary
of the Treasury, or maybe for HHS, and Trump as Secretary of State. As a
commie-socialist-liberal-progressive-race-baiter I’m all in with that. Pulling
for you….
Mike it is late so I will make this short and get to bed, we conservatives are pretty and need our beauty rest. As far as Bush being complicit in Katrina you are forgetting one thing. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act: Legal requirements for Federal and State Roles in Declarations of an Emergency or a Major Disaster must be requested by a Governor or acting Governor. The President Of the United States could not intervene in the state of Louisiana without violating Federal Law. Then Governor Landrieu was in touch with the President and never officially asked for or accepted the President Bush' help. N E X T !
ReplyDeleteOne more thing for you Progies, Conservatives have no knowledge of the Koch Bros. Only the Libs that get their talking points each day from Media Matters actually know whom they are. Mike have a great week.