Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Big Lie

Republicans say they can do something about the budget while continuing to cut taxes. Democrats say they will do it while making minmal adjuments to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. But perhaps the biggest lie of all is that it matters. It does not. Middle class people pick sides between the political parties-- both morally bankrupted by their addiction to campaign cash and the big money interests that spend it-- and the poor struggle to survive. All the while those both rich and powerful have made off with the bank. Not a single conviction for the meltown on Wall Street which has set economic development back 20 years, the housing market perhaps further farther. Wall Street is rocking again up to nearly where it was before the crash, while the unemployment rate barely moves, real wages stagnate or drop, and the housing market remains stubbornly stuck in the tank. I am a long term progessive, a liberal even, but I am sick to death of all of it. While we argue over the crumbs, someone stole our house, actually drove it away in the dark of night.