Monday, March 5, 2012

Sandra Fluke’s Free Speech Offensive

Rush Limbaugh is a vile and disgusting person who said hateful and reprehensible things about a political opponent with whom he did not agree. Limbaugh has a well-documented history of making misogynist, homophobic, and racist remarks. However, the campaign to remove him from the air aligns liberals with conservatives who despite the Free Speech protections of the First Amendment seek to silence liberals and others that oppose them. Progressive Americans ought to think carefully before they line up to silence Mr. Limbaugh.

Free Speech is the answer to the unadorned hate of Limbaugh, and no one demonstrates that more brilliantly than Sandra Fluke.

Ms. Fluke, at the age of 30, already has a distinguished career of public service including working at batter women’s shelters in NY and advocating on behalf of the GLBT community. She has been active in the fight to include insurance contraception in insurance coverage at Georgetown University and was the former President of the student group Law Students for Contraceptive Justice. 

Students at GU are required to buy Health Insurance by the University. The school then makes a religious rights argument which translates to mean that female students are not allowed to receive contraception through the insurance policy for which they are required to pay without exception. Ms. Fluke has actively engaged the President of the University, John J. DeGioia, on the subject of contraception and other women’s health issues. DeGioia for his part was not silent in the face of Limbaugh’s bigotry: “She was respectful, sincere, and spoke with conviction. She provided a model of civil discourse. This expression of conscience was in the tradition of the deepest values we share as a people. One need not agree with her substantive position to support her right to respectful free expression.”

After a few days of intense heat, some now argue it is time to move on, time to forgive Mr. Limbaugh. His radical views of white male supremacy they seem to suggest no longer merit examination and condemnation. For f***s sake, it’s been three days already! Forgive and move on they say. This is only the most recent crest of a seemingly unending wave of right wing recrimination, blame, bigotry, and hard-heartedness in this election cycle. So count me among those who is reluctant to turn the page, very reluctant, and more than a little pissed off. I hope Limbaugh wallows in his vile sh** for a good while longer. He so deserves it. There are no doubt millions in his audience that are true believers, but with Limbaugh one must always remember that he makes tens of millions per year spewing his message of hate and intolerance. Let him simmer until he gags from the stench of his own breath.

But leave the first amendment alone…

For those that argue that Sandra Fluke was a private citizen and so deserving of some special protection against slander, which suggests that Limbaugh cannot park his fat ass under a First Amendment umbrella, there must first be a separation between the legal and the political. Perhaps there are those that would ever so slightly twist the record to make Ms. Fluke seem somehow smaller, a less public figure. This may be a practical legal strategy, opening the door for a slander suit, I don’t know. But as a matter of politics Sandra Fluke stands as a ringing rebuttal of Limbaugh’s hate speech. Far from being merely a private citizen, Ms. Fluke is a highly accomplished and articulate public advocate for progressive policy change. She is to be applauded for her public advocacy, and admired for her fearlessness.

Her written testimony is practical and direct. There can be little doubt that Ms. Fluke is informed on the subject of contraceptive rights. So much has been made of the Limbaugh’s remarks Ms. Fluke’s statement has barely been spoken of. In it she addresses the broad issues of contraceptive coverage in Insurance policies as a specific issue of women’s health, not limited to birth control. She also raises her objections to the Blunt amendment and other proposed legislation, which gives lie to the suggestion that the Congressional panel at which she was forbidden from speaking, was narrowly engaged on the subject of Freedom of Religion. This panel was convened in an attempt to define the issue as one of religious freedom before someone like Ms. Fluke called bullsh**! Even so, apparently only men were capable of speaking on this issue that day. Following is a small excerpt of Ms. Fluke’s written testimony:

Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy. One told us of how embarrassed and powerless she felt when she was standing at the pharmacy counter, learning for the first time that contraception wasn’t covered, and had to walk away because she couldn’t afford it. Students like her have no choice but to go without contraception. Just on Tuesday, a married female student told me she had to stop using contraception because she couldn’t afford it any longer.

You might respond that contraception is accessible in lots of other ways. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Women’s health clinics provide vital medical services, but as the Guttmacher Institute has documented, clinics are unable to meet the crushing demand for these services. Clinics are closing and women are being forced to go without. How can Congress consider allowing even more employers and institutions to refuse contraceptive coverage and then respond that the non-profit clinics should step up to take care of the resulting medical crisis, particularly when so many legislators are attempting to defund those very same clinics?

On the day of the hearing Ms. Fluke was not permitted to speak, her first amendment rights shaded to grey in an attempt to silence her attempt to bear witness. Limbaugh’s over the top rhetoric was a further attempt to interfere, to further darken her first amendment light, this time through intimidation and fear.  In the face of that, Ms. Fluke went on TV this morning and pointed the world to for a lengthy history of the record of Mr. Limbaugh. Up yours, Rush…

As Ms. Fluke argues in her testimony it is ridiculous to cast the issue of insurance coverage for contraceptive care as purely being about birth control, but even if that were true, the arguments to make insurance coverage mandatory are still compelling. Beyond the reaches of a small band of religious zealots this is long settled policy, but these are the battles we fight in this election cycle of bigotry and fear.

Mr. Limbaugh blithely impugned the integrity of Ms. Fluke, but in doing so he disregards the obvious truth; the equation of sexual relations (at least those being discussed here) is that is a woman AND a man. The woman is of low morals, so he says, but in the argument Limbaugh presents the man is absent. In too many cases when there is an absence of birth control, that is the practical fact.  As late as 2007 40% of all children are born out of wedlock. Much of that can be attributed to the changing face of American families, but there is a sizeable proportion where whatever can be said of the woman a man did not want to be a responsible partner. 

I heard about 45 minutes of Limbaugh’s Friday, and know the complete dishonesty in his apology. Even on Friday, given a day to think over the remarks, Limbaugh while refraining from the course language, made clear that he felt well entitled to direct his bitter hatred towards Ms. Fluke in the way that he did. I heard more than one caller put up, who underlined the vitriol against the Ms. Fluke, so much so that even Limbaugh had to wonder what he had unleashed. Limbaugh and his followers have a long history of this sort of mutually reinforcing mega-dittos bullsh**.  Callers and Limbaugh outdo each other in their blinding rage, and bitter isolation. Limbaugh lives an extremely opulent life off his shtick, his listeners not so much.

That being said, the answer to hate speech-- which is what Limbaugh practiced and will continue to do once the dust settles-- is strong voices who say we do not accept and we do not agree, in other words more speech. Those of us who want to see Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, the participants on those shows, and other strong liberal voices such as Sandra Fluke on the air would do well to remember that First Amendment protects all speech. There is no practical way to allow a portion of it to be shredded. It stands as a blanket of protection for everyone, or none. Stand in front of Limbaugh’s radio stations and the offices of his corporate masters and call Limbaugh what he is-- A racist, misogynist, neo-fascist. He is all those things.

But tread lightly, and step clear of the first amendment…

If liberals act now to protect some shattered sense of civility they are phenomenally off track.  Civility is not constitutionally protected and woe be the day that it is. I have argued on these pages and elsewhere that the rising sense of uncivil dialogue is not good for the country or our political discourse, bit I do not deny the right of my opponents to be uncivil. Liberals who practice similar disrespectful dialogue lower themselves down a deep hole when they parrot this eye for an eye bloodletting. Dancing on the grave of an opponent is ugly and diminishes the humanity of both the deceased and the dancing fool.

Look, if I want to call my neighbor, El Rushbo, (or our President for that matter) a fat toad, I can. That is constitutionally protected speech. If Rush were dragged into court by Ms. Fluke, that is certainly her right, but we can be quite certain that the NY Times, The Washington Post and most likely MSNBC, along with all the usual-suspects right wing media outlets would line up as friends of the court to defend his free speech rights, and well they should.

It is truly amazing to me the speed and ferocity with which Americans now glibly trade away their rights. Western liberals, to use the broadest sense of the word, used to worry about Orwellian government. 1984 was practically required reading for certain groups of counter culture thinkers. Now in the name of our bruised sense of civility we trade all that in. Advocates on both sides are only too glad to advocate the elimination of the speech rights of the “other”. I would argue that the progressive American left especially needs to nurture and protect these rights even in the face of highly charged and disgusting remarks by our opponents. In the face of the onslaught of Citizen’s United Cash, our side needs Free Speech more than ever. We cannot win by silencing our opponents and those that suggest we can are just plain wrong. We win by convincing a majority of Americans that we are correct and that those that expose their true instincts and feeling through the use of rabid hate speech are wrong.  

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