Monday, April 9, 2012

A Quick Note on Trayon

It is so important to keep stressing this simple point: Zimmerman had a gun. Trayvon did not.

In the minutes before the confrontation Trayvon was alarmed that he was being followed and actually picked up his pace to escape. Zimmerman was told by the Police that they “did not need” him to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman chose to ignore those Police directions, and at some point exited his vehicle to continue the pursuit.
I find it deeply alarming that so many seem willing to accept that if Trayvon got into some sort of physical confrontation with Zimmerman, an armed man following him for no good reason, then the burden of proof sort of shifts back to Trayvon’s family to prove that anything he did was justified, rather than to remain on Zimmerman to prove why the whole episode was anyone’s responsibility beyond that of a man, unknown to the victim, carrying a concealed weapon, and ready to use it.

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