Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Irresponsibility On Guns

While a small, paranoid, angry, minority creates ever larger levels of danger by purchasing more and more and more guns, each year fewer and fewer Americans own guns.  The US has 1% of the world population, but our citizens own 1/3  of all guns held in private hands. A slim minority, 1/5 of Americans,  own 65% of the 300 million guns circulating in private  hands. Less than one in three of us now own a gun. One can only assume that a sizable chunk of us that would not have a gun in our own home, feel strongly that others ought to be allowed to have vast arsenals in theirs.

The most generous thing that can be said of Zimmerman is that he entered into a situation with a weapon out of his depth. A responsible gun owner might have thought twice about leaving the car on a dark rainy night to follow what he perceived to be a suspicious, but clearly unknown individual.  Acquittal aside, Zimmerman’s irresponsibility does not EVEN cause him to lose his right to carry and so he arms even more to what is now clearly an absurd level.

 Then in Newtown we now know that Adam Lanza was a troubled kid by any measure. If his mother did not know it can only be because she refused to see. As a parent I am reluctant to judge too harshly the decisions that others make. Some days I would grade my own efforts at perhaps no more than a notch above failure. Even with what is sometimes a pretty sorry record, I persevere. I strive to learn and improve and most importantly engage with my teenage son, who thankfully is still willing to hug me, en after I obstruct his brilliant though often misguided plans.  Adam Lanza’s mother appears to have surrendered to forces she could not understand or control. Some part of me can understand that, but no part of my will ever forgive her for not removing the ridiculous amount of weaponry from her home. If she locked it up, but the kid found the key as the press has reported, then she did a shitty job of locking it up. Guns should not have been it that particular home with that particular kid under any circumstances.

 Apparently Adam Lanza had little verbal communication with the mother with whom he shared a home. Forget the video games, a cursory scan of his room would have indicated many reasons for concern. Instead his mother seeing that guns were one thing to which they could both relate, perhaps the only thing, encourages his fetish with guns, and offshoot if his obsessions with death. Nothing to see here? Holy f***, what are you thinking? Because she was unwilling to be a parent, she died.  If it had stopped there it would have been a stupid, though tragic, parable, a what-not-to-do lesson. Because Adam Lanza chose to take his rage out on the lives of 20 children in the sanctuary of their school it rises to the level of obscenity.

But the real atrocity in the wake of both Newtown and The Trayvon Martin case is that as a country we remain unmoved. A relative small minority of gun zealots speak with far more force than the majority. Our Democracy, designed with good reason to protect the rights of the minority, is upended by a feverishly committed group outside the mainstream of opinion, but armed with vast reserves of campaign cash funded by a narrow interest group of business people, in this case gun manufacturers.  This is not news. It’s what democracy looks like in America in 2013.

 So nothing changes. This is so much evidentiary proof that guns, when made available with such poor oversight and control, have torn us into shreds of pain and loss, and left unchecked will continue to wreak damage on the body and soul of our nation, especially in poor minority neighborhoods, where gun use is at near genocidal levels. Basically, humans are too imperfect to own guns. I get that those words are blasphemous, perhaps even revolutionary,  across the south and even in some areas of the neo-liberal north, but that does not make them untrue. As evidence I point to Trayvon Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman, and Adam Lanza’s mother , Nancy. How damaged does anyone have to before someone says, “You know, maybe not.” Maybe these people ought not to own a gun. Maybe people on the terrorists watch list ought  to undergo a background check at a gun show???

For if we must measure the value of tens of thousands of human lives against principled Second Amendment rights, enshrined in a document more than 200 years old, on a human scale there is no moral equivalence. In this case the rights of the minority are just completely out of balance to the lives of the majority.  I know this is a howl into the powerful wind of intransigence, but it is all I have. Our voice is all any of us have.


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